Should you use Pinterest as a wedding photographer?


Photo by Adrianna Van Groningen

If you are a wedding photographer who is wondering whether or not you should create a Pinterest page for your business, here is the short answer: yes you should.

Here are two very concrete reasons why: each year, Pinterest users save more than 3 billion wedding related pins and search for wedding content over 1 billion times. This means that weddings are one of the most popular categories on the platform and generate a lot of interest from its users.

If you think about it, how many times have you heard the expression “Pinterest wedding”? How often do your clients hand you wedding photography ideas straight from Pinterest? To get even more specific, are your brides planning their wedding with the help of Pinterest? They are, aren’t they? If you reach one conclusion from all this information it is that Pinterest and weddings go hand in hand.   

How can your business benefit from Pinterest?

When using Pinterest as a wedding photographer, there are two main things the platform can help you achieve:

The first one is important because you want your potential clients to learn more about you and your business -  where do you work, what services do you offer, what are your prices and of course, how can they book you. Having people visit your website is important when your potential client is actively searching for a wedding photographer. They are most likely researching several candidates, comparing their packages and are ready to hire.

Brand recognition comes in handy earlier in the process of booking a client. Your future bride (or groom) may be still in the early stages of planning a wedding. (S)he is still picking a date, looking for a wedding venue and gathering first inspiration for her or his big day. Even though your client is not searching for a wedding photographer just yet, they might still come across your photos, like your work, remember it and save it for later. The more they get in contact with your work, the more likely it is for them to pick you as their photographer.


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