The #1 benefit of using Pinterest as a designer


Did you know that more than half of my clients are designers? Brand designers, website designers, packaging designers, it doesn't really matter - I love working with all of you! But do you want to know why exactly do I love working with designers so much? Because I've experienced the power Pinterest has had on their business first hand! Which is why I'd like to share with you the #1 benefit of using Pinterest as a designer.

Using Pinterest means turning your portfolio work into evergreen content that attracts your dream clients like magic

Hear me out! Each project takes you weeks, if not months to complete. You put so much of your time, effort and love into every single brand, website or packaging you bring to life, and there's no doubt that every single one of your designs deserves to be shared with the world.

So doesn't it seem like a huge waste to only share your work on Instagram where almost no one else will get to see it after day or two? Enter Pinterest!

Pinterest is unbeatable at this one thing: turning your content evergreen. Your logo designs, website presentations and brand boards will become your best marketers. They will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people & will be attracting new leads for months, if not even years to come! And the best thing yet - you can automate the entire thing!

Click here to find out more about using Pinterest as a designer.

Looking for more Pinterest tips? Check out these resources!

Want to get yourself an amazing Pinterest account that works like magic? Click here to find more details about working with me!


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