3 reasons why Pinterest is a great platform to use in the long run


Photo by Zelle Duda

In this blog post, I am breaking down 3 reasons why Pinterest is a great platform to use as a wedding photographer in the long run. You will find out why the platform works so great long-term, the advantage it has over Instagram and Facebook and how it can help you get new clients.

the lifespan of a pin is much longer than on other platforms

In 2013, the half-life of a Facebook post (the length of time it takes for content to reach 50% of its total lifetime engagement) was only 30 minutes. On Instagram, that number stops somewhere around 19 hours. But, do you know what's the half-life of an average pin? Three and a half MONTHS! 

What does that mean for you and your marketing strategy for your wedding photography business? In a way, a big majority of your posts on Instagram and Facebook become obsolete the day after you post them. You might still get some likes after that, but that represents only a tiny percentage of total interactions (likes, comments & saves). That's why, if you want to stay top-of-mind, you have to create and post new content constantly. On Pinterest, things work very differently. 

As a Pinterest manager, I can tell you from my own experience, that once one of your pins takes off, it will keep getting attention for months to come. In fact, my client's most popular pins are almost always the ones that were first published 6 months or even a year ago.

Instagram and Facebook are becoming "too crowded"

There is a very simple reason why reach and engagements are down on Instagram and Facebook: because every day, the competition gets tougher. Not only are there more and more businesses using these platforms (in February 2018, there were over 80 million small businesses on Facebook), they are also posting more often than they used to. But, what is even worse is the fact that you are not only competing with other brands and businesses for your follower's attention. No, there are also ads and posts by their friends and family, which get prioritized in the algorithm. 

Pinterest, on the other hand, is still often overlooked by brands. Some major businesses (like IKEA) are only now discovering what a powerful marketing tool it is. That's why small businesses and creatives like you can still get great results quickly and for free.


Your potential clients can discover you very early

Pinterest likes to say that its users use the platform to plan. This is specifically true when it comes to weddings. There are countless of Pinterest users out there, who are looking for wedding inspiration months or even years in advance. They have boards filled with pins (some even before they get engaged) and if they happen to save some of your photos, Pinterest will keep showing them more of your work. You get to reach your potential clients in the early stages and therefore have more time to win them over to your side.

To sum up:

  • On Pinterest, single posts can be discovered & bring you traffic to your websites months after they were first published.

  • Due to a lot of competition on Instagram and Facebook, it is getting more and more difficult to achieve significant results organically. On Pinterest, you can still do that fairly easily.

  • A lot of Pinterest users go to the platform when searching for wedding inspiration which gives you a great opportunity to reach them when they’re interested.


Do you want to learn more about Pinterest? Send an email to hello@ayalie.com, and tell us what you're looking for. If you want to manage your Pinterest presence yourself, we can teach you everything we know during our mentorship program. If this is all to much for you, then hand over your Pinterest management to us and enjoy the results we bring you without you having to do a thing.

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